Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Just Like Me.

Dont talk about the future today
I still havent got over yesterday.
I just dont seem to have the strength to stand.

When this word play ends somewhere
The castle crumbles out of the thin air
dont look at me, you see i dont understand.

When this is all over with
I'll try to find some reasons.
I'll try to find and hide behind.

I question my sanity sometimes
through all the pictures i've drawn
and a few of them
Look like me.

I might find my answers here
or i'll re write the question
whatever it is i'll let you know.

You know its happened a few times before
The path outside led back to the door
But this time i might not go.

My reflection lied again about
the shades of me on the surface
while darkness paints the truth inside.